Afus - A fucking URL shortener
So that day I tried like 10 URL shorteners that had 100+ stars, and most of which were badly maintained, had dated UI, or were a pain in the ass to set up. So I made one myself.
The Result
This project is made with Vite + React in the frontend and NestJS in the backend. I also did end-to-end tests and CI/CD, with docker-compose one-liner setup.
It also has great touches like auto-focusing the input so that you don't have to waste time clicking it with your mouse. You could also use the enter key to send and directly use ctrl/cmd - C to copy or ctrl/cmd - E to show QR code.
Finally you could also customize the title and subtitles so that you can brag in front of your friends :)
Took me about one week to finish this, but realistically I think I could have finished it in 3 days. I would make a chrome extension for one-click shortening after my military ends.